Displaced growth.
My name is Miles, and this is my gallery of words.
“If I’m gonna tell a real story, I’m gonna start with my name.”
Displaced growth.
“You wasn’t perfect, but you made life worth it”
A culture flossin’ in formaldehyde.
Tale of a self-tagonist. Love Yourz.
“Please, treat your garlic with respect…Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screwtop jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don’t deserve to eat garlic.” - Anthony Bourdain
On the fly analysis of what we really just saw in the first round of these NBA playoffs.
There are three types of industry trainers.
Jackhammers to Jackalopes.
Fuck it, Jager bomb?
Why does this keep happening to me...
If we're hanging out. And you pull out this bottle. I will smack the sequin outcha' asshole.
Going into what was suppose to be one of the least competitive seasons league wise, things may not quite be as advertised in the West vs. East debate.
Don't look at me like that. Don't you dare, look at me like that.
Misfired American Dreams.
This is how this is going to go, folks. Whoever gives me the card first, gets to pay.
Happy Birthday! You deserve it. You just don't deserve it all. A` tout a` l'heure bitchboí, as the French say.
A stranger in strange lands.
Quite frankly, I aim for delicate garnishes upon splatters of frustrated & artistic fuckeree. I'm like a rhythmic soupe du fuckin' day: reduced for purpose & twice recycled for good measure. That mad flavor doe'... #freakoidcampaign
Hands, in the, air, now - scroll past like du-du, now
Everything in it's place, and everything in moderation - including, moderation. Bout' to run my mouth about a whole lotta industry nonsense.